Megan knew this day would come. She just didn't think it would happen today of all days! Her so called “best friend” was under a magical spell and turned into a fruit. One day, Megan was home alone. She had nothing to do. So she turned on the TV, to her favorite channel. She then brought in a bowl of grapes while they were showing commercials. She got back and started eating the grapes one by one while watching TV. One of the grapes looked very strange to her, but she couldn't care any less and she picked it up and put it in her mouth. At first, the grape was too big for her mouth and she dragged it in. Megan heard someone giggle. She thought it was coming from outside. Poor Megan didn't know the grape that she was about to eat was her friend, and she started chewing at it and swallowed! Megan's friend was NO MORE!!!