Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tech Issues, Part1: Gaming Addiction?

I think that it is very possible to be addicting to gaming because once you start playing game all day without a rest then it is impossible to break out of it!
In treatment centers for gaming addiction in South Korea they take the kids away from all the technology in life and to a normal life with no technology. It helps them to play out in the fresh air outside, have a decent lunch, etc.
Some differences I noticed between American culture and Korean culture is that in Korean culture they offer cheap, 24/7 high speed internet access to the tens of thousands of students that want to play video games all day and even all night!

Friday, February 5, 2010

xx...Cool but weird Umbrella invention...xx ^-^

Have you ever gotten very frustrated because your umbrella does not cover up all the rain? Or even because of your bad umbrella, you've gotten wet on every rainy day? Well here is an awesome umbrella just invented for you. Even if it is weird lookin', this amazing umbrella can save you from a horrible drizzle from outside. You would stay 100% dry garanteed!