Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Petland,

I just watched this video about where you get your pets, puppy mills and I don't think that you're doing a great job by selling pets from miles far away. Nearly 17,000 of puppies came across the country to Petland stores. Almost every puppy was shipped hundreds of miles away, from a puppy mill in the mid west. One of the puppies in the Petland store was shipped more than 760 miles, from where it was born. About 800 of the dogs are living in dirty, small cages together, with no food and not much space or clean water. It's really DIFFICULT for them to stretch out or move around and they can't live like this all their life. So PLEASE STOP PUPPY MILLS NOW!!!  

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

John F. Kennedy

Have you ever wanted to be president? Well, I think it's great to be president. You get a chance to change the world, have the white-house all to yourself, tell everyone what to do, and best of all you can RULE the world!!! I think John F. Kennedy was a great president. He's smart, helpful, and a hard worker. He also made our country a better place.
John is a smart pe
rson. For example, He was chosen to be president, and most people don't get a chance to be president unless they're smart. One reason, is that he is smart because he got a scholarship and passed high school. Also he is very educated because for every exam he studied very hard.
John was a hard worker. For example, in 1940 he published a book, "Why England Slept," the book became a bestseller and his father was so proud of him. One reason, After high school, John went to London, England, to study. But John was terribly sick, he tried his best to study, but he could not finish his study in London. Since he was very, very sick he had to leave. John could not finish his study in London, but he did do his best in Harvard and graduated
with many honor.
John is very helpful. For example, he helped bring high hopes to our country and made it a better place to live in. One reason, he helped the middle class people and the poor people by
giving them as much food, education, shelter, etc, as possible. Also one day John had a talk with a poor family, even though he grew up with a healthy family, he understood their problem and desperately wanted to help them.
One thing I like about John F. Kennedy is that, is that in a speech he said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty happens when the animal gets a horrible owner. It's starts out that the owner teaches the animal how to fight, beats the animal when it loses, leaves the animal out in a cold, forces the animal to do something when it is in bad shape, ect. I think I can prevent this by reporting it to the police station if ever I see it happening. I can also prevent it by teaching them how it feels like to harm an animal. Also books and videos about it will come out to be the witness.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

After I Believe in It

I had a dream that I will celebrate my birthday in a restaurant. I did not really believe in it because my parents would not spend that much money on me. I kept seeing my birthday happening in a restaurant whenever I go to sleep. So I started to believe in it and now my birthday is coming up in December 21 and guess what, my birthday is finally gonna happen in a restaurant!!! I am so happy to hear, I can't wait! Lesson learned: If you actually believe in it, it will come true. Try not to believe in it, so it won't come true!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Child Farm

After watching the flick, I heard how many children got drop out of school like, Joseanna just because they couldn't catch up with their work. I think that there should be an excuse for them because they have work all day and night. It isn't fair for them to get drop out of school just for not catching up with their work. Something should really be done about this! I would tell the grocery owner that "It comes from a factory that uses hormones." To get them think about where their foods come from.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Child Labor

Hi my name is Shabnam. I am a minor kid. My day is really horrible. I have such a miserable life. My work is to grow crops. In school, I start to fall asleep every minute, because I work all day without any break and it's really very tiring! I worry about how to get more money. My parents worry about getting jobs, so that I won't have to work either. If I had a chance, I would change my life by not making any children work and by not giving other people impossible tiring jobs to do!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I think getting a tattoo is cool because if you ware it most people will notice you
and will have as much attention as most people have. also mainly everyone has a tattoo,
so it will be cool if I get one.
I don't think tattoos rock because many pe
ople get skin cancer by getting one. It's also really a pain when u start getting one. I don't think this is a right way to get attention by getting a tattoo. So people should not get a tattoo for their own good!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What We Care About

After I finished watching the flick, I felt sad for the animals and for the little children working for mines. :( It was really horrible how many of the animals have been dead. If I was one of the boys working in mines, I wouldn't feel good at all. I would feel really tired. I would also never be happy, just a plain tired, sad boy. Also if I was a boy working in mines, I would try to do something for the animals and how to make the place a better place.

Thursday, September 11, 2008